
The Overhaul³ update is here!

Major additions
-Name changed to Entropic Fracture (previously Chaos' Adventure)
-2 New levels: Atomic Powerplant, and Poker Central!
-Reworked Tutorial
-Controller support (only tested on xbox 360 controllers)
-Chaos no longer has a wallrun, it is now replaced by a walljump.
-Removed escape sequence
-Removed titlecard
-Killing enemies has been reworked
-Chaos no longer has infinite health, and can now die. To replenish health, grab green gear crates.
-Reworked Omega rank requirements; you no longer require a perfect combo, just avoid dying.
-Removed Demo 1 and Demo 1.5 levels to prevent conflicts due to the moveset changes.

Minor additions
-Dust and fire effects for walking, jumping, and dashing.
-Screenshake when killing enemies
-Changed some sprites
-Altered some palettes


EntropicFracture.zip 196 MB
4 days ago

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